This line of thought has brought me to other familiar flowery smells from my past. The fragrances I associate with my grandparents- with my childhood. Oddly enough I have a particular flower for either set of grandparents. My father's mother loved gardenia. It's a preference inherited by her children and grandchildren perhaps as a way of remembering her and the home they grew up in.
I spent most of my time as a young child at my mother's parents' home. One of my favorite pastimes was playing in the wisteria in the yard. I love the shape of the flower even before it blooms. I love the feel of the soft fuzzy crush of a bud in hand. I love taking shelter under the canopy of vines highlighted by the most delicate fragrant ornaments dangling overhead.
All of this would be capped off by another smell. Grandmother's cooking. After a hard day at play, she was always sure to fill you up for the next day spent among the flowers.