In each of our communities we have events that happen, whether it’s flooding, tornadoes, and hurricanes, huge snow storms and even earth quakes but we learn to deal with these natural disasters. They are never easy and often times cause great hardship but we dig in, help our neighbors and life continues.
Our community has faced huge challenges such as hurricane Katrina in 2005. Many here on the Gulf Coast lost family, friends, homes and business not to mention many of our historical landmarks. Our gulf coast looked like a war zone and to this day there are still remnants of that terrible event.

Now we are faced with another disaster. The enormous oil spill that threatens all of the communities along the Gulf of Mexico. Our white sand beaches will be riddled with tar balls. The marine life such as our beautiful dolphins who swim in schools right off our beaches will be harmed. We live in an area where shrimp fishing is one of our industries as well as tourism and now those will be impacted. 

Just the other day, you could actually smell oil in the air and we now see fish washed onto shore filled with oil. We know our beautiful Gulf of Mexico will be impacted for years to come as we don’t know the extent of this horrific disaster. The people on the gulf coast are resilient, we worked hard to clean up after Katrina, but this disaster will take years and years to reverse itself. We all ask, what about our wildlife and marine life, how do we save them?

I am so saddened by this that I just had to share. Natural disasters are out of our control but disasters such as this one should be controlled.