I want to thank Tamerie of A Little of This That and The Other for this award. I really wish I could give it to Tamerie as I love her blog. She is such an inspiration with her unbelievable talent. I would love to be her for a week and learn just how to slip cover a chair or something. Thanks so much Tamerie.
I would like to pass this award onto some of my favorite bloggers and I am sure if you visit their blogs you will see why they are my favorites.
Tracie at My Petite Maison
Jeanne at A Bushel and a Peck
Kasey at Lola B's
Jen at The Cottage Nest
Susie at Bienvenue
Bethie at Chic Junque
Allegra at A Glimpse Into Our Life
Christine at Belle Colle
Michelle at Shabby Creations
I hope you will take the time to stop by all my favorite blogs. These are all amazing women and I know their blogs will become your favorite as well.
Just a little note: Have you ever done something or said something that immediately you wish you could take back? This was my moment, I was so tired and wanted to post all the fabulous blogs of these amazing women that I completely messed up, big time and put dear Kaseys name as Tracey. What was I thinking? I knew all along her name was Kasey. So publicly I am saying I am so sorry Kasey.
RULES FOR THIS AWARD 1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who's given it to you, along with the link to his or her blog. 2. Pass the award to 10 other blogs. contact those bloggers to let them know they've been chosen for this award. Have fun and enjoy your award! I really hope you choose to play and keep it going. But if you don't, that's okay too. Just enjoy your award in any way you wish and know that I think you have a very lovely blog.
One last note, please make sure to leave a comment and hopefully you will win my giveaway.