For all of us who have had our hearts broken…
Is the saying " there is nothing like a woman scorned" true? I do believe it is, we have all had our heart broken sometime in our life. Maybe it was by our very first love, the one that you feel you will never get over, and all you want to do is get even…
This womanly feeling has emerged in my daughter, her heart is broken, and she is now the woman who has been scorned. Her first love who she had dated for 11 months not only broke up with her on her birthday ( how rude) but he had another girlfriend within a few days. As her mother, I tried to console her with the usual things a mother say’s like, " I know it hurts, but someday the right one will come along", or "who needs someone like him, you deserve better". We all know full well that words mean nothing at a time like this, I could see it in her eyes.
Several days after the break up she came to me feeling pumped up, with an expression of confidence. I knew something had taken place for her to be feeling so smug. She proceeded to tell me that she had gotten even. Her exact words were, "I am bad, I mean really bad , I so got even". As much as we don’t want our daughters to get even, I think down deep we all have had that same attitude when our heart has been broken. She was so full of herself as she explained that she went by her boyfriends and sure enough, there was this black Pontiac Firebird at his house, knowing full well that it was the NEW girlfriends car.
So she got down very low and crept over to the black Firebird and proceeded to let the air out of the tire. "I know I’m bad, but so was he and I hope his new girlfriend has a flat tire when she tries to drive home" were her words. Knowing that my daughter can’t even put air in her own tire, I asked her how she knew how to do this?
Mom, it was so easy, you know the little cap on the tire thing? Well, I just took off the cap and threw it in the bushes. Yup!, I’ll bet her tire is flat by now! I could not hold back the laughter, all I could envision was my daughter crouching down by the black car and feeling the excitement of revenge as she tossed the little plastic cap into the bushes. She asked me what was so funny? I could barely bring myself to tell her that her little act of getting even was not going to work as just taking off the little cap would do nothing at all.
So much for a woman scorned.