I have been a bit reflective this week, thinking of all the blessings that I receive each day. I normally don’t use my blog as a personal journal but with Easter here I have to say that I relied on my faith this week to see my husband through heart surgery. Very unexpected as he is always the one telling me that I should be taking vitamins and of course stop eating junk food. Faith get's us through the most difficult and stressful times as well as making us take stock on how truly blessed we are.
The winner of our burlap King slip is Julie, from Being Ruby. I want to thank each of you for your wonderful comments and for participating in our giveaway. We really love doing giveaways as you may have noticed. It is our way of saying thank you for visiting our blog and becoming one of our blogging friends.
Happy Easter to each of you and we wish you many blessing.
Oh Michelle
Sometimes we need to share our personal journey to allow others to comfort us... I'm sorry to hear your news and hope and pray everything is now improving for your family and that your husband will sail through this.. I can tell you that this win and your generosity has truly lifted my spirits today... It is already Easter Sunday here.. so this is the best Easter present for sure... Will be thinking of you and your family and sending good wishes your way... xx Julie
Silly me.. and thank you SO much..
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Praying for your husbands timely recovery and strength to get through this journey.
So sorry to hear this, he will be in my prayers for a speedy recovery. Sometimes it helps to tell someone. Wishing you and your family Easter blessings during this time.
My wish for you and your husband is for good health. I hope all goes well with his surgery. We'll certainly say a prayer for him. Please let us know how he is doing. Easter Blessings.
Hello Michelle, wishing your husband a very speedy recovery.
Hope that you both are having a very Happy Easter.
Leeann x
ps thought of you this afternoon as I used the last 2 of your cushions that I had in stock in one of the bedrooms of the apartment that we rent out - they look fabulous :-)
Oh Michelle. I am so sorry to hear that your husbamd has had to have surgery this week. I hope that he is well on his way to a full and speedy recovery. I will be thinking of you and your family. Thank you for the chance at such a wonderful giveaway and Congratulations to Julie. Wishing you and your family a wonderful Easter weekend ~ Tina x
Oh, bless your heart! Praying for you both. Hope everything went better than expected.
prayers for your husband for a speedy recovery. congrats to the winner of one of your gems.Where would we be without faith?
Hi Michelle, wishing your husband a speedy recovery and big (((hugs))) for you both. Congratulations to Julie too on a fabulous win.
Hurray for Julie. What a wonderful giveaway to win. I know , because I have won one !!!!
I'm so sorry to hear about your husband. What a difficult time you must have been through over the past few weeks.I hope that he is on the road to a full recovery.
I just realised, Michelle, that I have never followed you for some reason!! I don't know what happened there. I bought things from you before I had a blog and then, when I found that you had one , have read your posts and emailed you but forgot to follow you !!!! It's my age ! I have made ammends now. I'm so sorry.
I wish you and your family a most restful Easter weekend, and I will be thinking of you and your husband. Lots of love. XXXX
Hello Michelle! I'm so sorry to hear your news! Hope your husband is getting better very soon! My thoughts and parayers for you both!
Congratulations Julie!!!
Heartly hugs
First, my heart is with you as your husband recovers from his surgery. Remember, every journey begins with one single baby step. Godspeed!
Second, I spent a most enjoyable morning purchasing pillows from your gorgeous Etsy site. I can't wait to receive them. I know they'll look beautiful on our guest bed!
Grace Anne
oh honey, I hope you are all doing ok!!! Know that my thoughts and prayers are with you all...Julie is a truly worthy winner...She is a delight and her blog is simply amazing!!!!!!! Love to you friend, drop by and say hi ok!!! c xx
congrats Julie!
I WISH I had won your fabulous give-away, I adore your pillows!!! I actually featured one of yours on my last post about 'PILLOWS' because right now, I'm in love with 'Pillows'. I just can't help myself...they must be mine & I'm sure one of yours mest be mine too soon. lol
Smiles Friend...
Hello. I don't know you and you don't know me, but I just found your site two minutes ago. I read about your husband's surgery and wanted to say that I hope he is doing OK. My name is Therese. God Bless.
I can tell you that this win and your generosity has truly lifted my spirits today..
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Such a wonderful post. Thanks for sharing.
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