We are once again packing our pillows for a long trip. This time our pillows are going to Sweden. We are thrilled to soon have our pillows in the wonderful shop Country by Mail. Several years ago I book marked this wonderful site as a great shopping experience for Nordic merchandise. I do hope you will stop by and take a look at all the gorgeous items.

I also want to tip my hat to all of the wonderful blogger's out there who are continuously coming up with amazing blog posts and photos. I must admit, I do struggle with finding interesting material to post, so I hope you will all bear with me. My head has been buried in work and unless I post about the qualities of burlap, I don’t think I have many exciting things to share with you except for my excitement that Petit Coterie will be available soon at Country by Mail.
I would also like to thank so many of you for your kind thoughts and prayers for my husband. He is doing so well that I have to hold him back from doing too much. So a huge thanks to all of you! You are the BEST!!!
Many blessings to all of you this week!