Chalkboards are great. I am so excited that chalkboards are coming back. I've seen a lot of great DIY chalkboard tips out there. People are doing some really fun things. In the age of Pinterest, those ideas have become even more accessible. I wanted to share a few things that I've found.
Easily the most fun use of chalkboards I've found. Why should your kids stop at just building with their blocks? Let them add the details. I like to think this counts as a prerequisite for your child growing up to be an engineer. They get to build and design from a young age.
Chalkboard paint is awesome. I was reading somewhere that you can make any paint chalkable by adding 2 tablespoons of unsanded tile grout to 1 cup of paint. You can decorate a wall like regular paint and then encourage your children to write on the wall.
I've seen a lot of framed chalkboards. The style is both unique and elegant. I liked the fun color of this one. Very trendy.
The tray chalkboard idea. I love this one and it's super easy to execute. This one painted the entire tray, but I've seen/made a lot that only cover the base of the tray with chalkboard paint. The result is a nice metallic frame that can be antiqued or left alone. You can find decorative trays almost anywhere.
Tell us about any fun ways that you use chalkboards. Any exciting projects that you have going on? Let us know!