What are your plans for this weekend? I would love to just get away and there is one place that would just make it a perfect weekend. Green Oaks Antiques, located in Rochester, Indiana. My first trip to Green Oaks I thought I had missed it as I was driving down two land country roads in the middle of farm land.
Turning down a gravel road that curves around, suddenly you see a very large building with the largest selection of gorgeous vintage garden décor. The best is yet to come, once you walk into the building you feel like you have died and gone to heaven. For anyone who loves flea markets, junking, and antique shopping this is the place to go.
Ann and her husband have been in business since 1978 and they both are fabulous people. I thought it would be fun to show you some fabulous pictures of the store and the great finds available there.

I hope all of you have a perfect weekend!