We are so full of excitement at the thought of going to France, that I just had to share with all of you. I know you are thinking what a wonderful trip and yes it will be, but only for Petit Coterie pillows. Our pillows are going to a lovely shop that will be opening in 2 weeks called Fabulous French in Eymet, France.
I know many of you know Leeann from her Fabulous French blog, she is such a dear and is now working frantically to add some beautiful items to her shop. I was so thrilled when Leeann contacted me and wanted to carry Petit Coterie. I know her shop is going to be fabulous and I so wish that I could travel along with our pillows. If you want updates on Leeann’s shop and her grand opening stop by her blog.
Please don’t forget about searching for wonderful blog sites that have holiday recipes and decorating ideas. Just read the post below for all the details. I will pick the winner next Sunday. So start your search now!

I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend,