Whew! Made it through another very hectic week that consisted of so many mishaps. I always find it so interesting that Monday always seems to start off so good, I’m upbeat energized and ready to tackle the week ahead. Then by Friday I am in desperate need of just five minutes, five minutes to take a deep breath and take a look back at the week and see what I have accomplished and what still needs to be done.
I look forward to Saturday just as much as I looked forward to Friday night when I was a teenager. That sense of hurrah, I made it through the week and now I am rewarded with a day to myself. I love weekends, they give me a sense that I can stay in my P.J.’s all day and work at my own pace and if there is a spare moment I can allow myself to put aside some of my work and just design. Priceless!
I hope all of you will find more then five minutes this weekend to just stay in you P.j’s relax and find inspiration for the week ahead.
Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you next week.