I think each one of us has the ability to be creative but our area of creativity maybe in so many diverse areas. I for one know that I do not have the creativity to write. While traveling around the blogging world I come across so many well written blogs. I am fascinated with the writers who can make a simple ordinary day into an exciting event for their readers. My daily events would never captivate readers no matter how I would try. Sweeping up burlap, ordering Chinese food to be delivered as I have been too busy to cook does not sound all that interesting.
On the other hand visiting blogs like Susie Harris where she takes you step by step through great craft projects is creativity at it’s best. Then there are blogs like Fifi’s or Cathy Penton and many others who not only take you through fascinating content but also captivate you with gorgeous photos these would be quality of being creative.
I create pillows, some fall under the definition of the ability to create while some pillows would fall under the definition of prose adjective: dull, unimaginative. Those pillows find their way to the scrape box. I don’t think our creative juices flow 24/7 at least mine don’t. I do know when I am on the creative roll my mind wakes me up at 3:00 a.m. with raging ideas.
Right now I am working on a beautiful design and I love to add text to each pillow, for some reason my ability to be creative on content has hit the brick wall. This is where all of you that possess creativity come in.
I am looking for the perfect word or saying for this pillow. Unfortunately I can not share exactly what the design is, but let me give you a couple of words to build on, royalty and soar. Can you feel a giveaway coming? Here is the contest, who ever submits the best word or phrase for this pillow will win the giveaway. Please keep in mind that the word or phrase will be translated to French so it needs to be fairly short as there is only so much space on the pillow. The winner of the giveaway will not only receive the new design but will also win a burlap slip of their choice. I will pick the winner on August 16th.
Wishing you all much creativity,
Such mystery behind this giveaway! So much fun!
Well, here's one I've always loved, "Praise Loudly, Blame Softly", ~Catherine The Great, actually it's "I Praise Loudly, I blame softly" but I like it better without the "I".
Michelle, I hope you don't mind that I put in a post about your giveaway.
I adore your creations and enjoy your lovely blog.
"I am rich in Love" thanks for letting me enter, come visit me sometime.... your pillows are gorgeous!!!
"Rever, c'est le bonheur; attendre, c'est la vie"
....this sums up my life at the moment...it means;
"dreaming is happiness; waiting is life"
If this quote is too long, perhaps it could be worked with a pair of cushions. I love this quote, it's something I think we all relate to, plus it sounds beautiful when spoken in French...hope this is helpful!
Kindest Regards, Linda
Oh my...I am in love! Where have you been all of my bloggging life! I love your blog!! Thank you so much for the visit, it allowed me to find you!
How about La vie est Belle (Life is Beautiful)
BTW, I hit those creative brick wall often!
I think "qui parle bien" is very pretty. It means "Well Spoken". I painted it on a bag for a friends daughter. Her name is Effie Speaks. Effie means "well spoken" and her last name is Speaks so I thought they chose her name for that reason but they didn't know what Effie meant. What a surprise! :)Dina
Majestic Ascent
Imperial aspirations...
comes to mind.
les ailes régales, Regal wings.
vol impérial, imperial flight
I'm thinking.....but this is all I came up with. Love those pillows!
gosh I am so bad at things like this- I am thinking about something that has something to do with friends- "friends help each other soar" "Soar with a friend" "royalty is a true friend" and of course I don't know a licK of french- may sound better in that gorgeous tongue!
Bjr Michelle,
I have posted the giveaway for your lovely pillow and already had quite a few responses.
How about.........
On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur.
"We see well only with the heart"
Leeann x
"Bijoux à ailes" or winged jewels. If only we can take flight for a moment, like kings and queens of the air we would be. What flights of fancy we would take. Sea Witch
or why not "muse de vol" or flying muse. Or maybe "l'impératrice monte" the empress soars. Sea Witch
Hi!! What a great idea for a giveaway :o) I like the phrase "..into the blue sky". In French.."dans le ciel bleu". Thanks for letting us all participate!!
I just found your blog via Tina (enchanted rose studio).
I have two:
Il est fort la royauté (It's hard being royalty)
planer avec les ailes de soeur (soar with sister wings)
Wonderful giveaway :)
"Majestic" or "Regal":
This is fun!
This is fun...but after looking at the other suggestions, mine is a bit too simple...but here goes...free{in french liberer or libre} I was just thinking that royalty is free to do what they like and soar makes you feel free.
I had another idea for perhaps antoher project:
"Liberte, egalite, fraternite"
(I am missing my accents.
It doesn't get more French than that!
Fierement francophile!
Everyone has such lovely suggestions. My suggestion is Serendipity, I'm not sure what that would be in French!
Actually the whole quote is: "Say yes to experiences, to surprise, to serendipity." - Thomas Kinkade
"Your heart soars"- short and sweet! thanks!
How about - Fly away with me
I found you through Susie's blog. Your blog is amazing! I love it! I've added you to my blog list.
I'm also crazy about your pillows. They are beautiful!
So glad to have found you.
I would suggest
"Royal Wings" or
"Majestic Skies"
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