We will pick the winner next Friday the 28th We will wrap the pillow up with a special note from the person who wins the giveaway and ship it off to your special person.
With the holidays just around the corner we have started early offering a special sale on our Etsy shop. Starting today through Sunday the 23rd, we have a buy one pillow slip at regular price and get the second one for half off. Just thought I would let all of you know.
With the weekend fast approaching I do hope you all have a special one.
I've just been over at Lola B's blog and then came to you and saw your lovely post. She has just lost someone very special and did something that made her feel bad (she didn't DO anything bad. Was just told that she had) and I think that she deserves your beautiful pillow.Please go and read her post and see what I mean....and I thought that it was rather meant to be as I have just come straight to you after reading her story. By the way, I will be ordering more pillows, just haven't got round to it yet after my holiday etc. XXXX
I've started seeing these "feedbag-esque" pillows on the internet but haven't yet seen one in person. In photos they look great, giving texture and an eclectic touch to the room, but my question is how do they feel? Are they as nubbly and course as a normal feed bag or have they been treated to be softened? Silly question... but I've an inquiring mind! I'm all about form over function (heaven only knows that is the only explanation to my Napoleon III minature chaise that is only big enough for the cat to perch on) so I am not opposed to the idea if they're not comfortable if they look great, but still having not touched them myself I am curious nonetheless!
My Grandaughter is very special to me and has really touched my heart. She will be 15 this year and I have not seen her since she was 6 because we live in different countries. From the day she was born she has brought me great joy. She is caring and passionate about anything she participates in (including school) and this pillow will let her know that I still feel the bond we established 15 years ago and I think of her and miss her every day.
THe person who has touched my heart the most is actually My best friend Mary. After my sister in law passed away who was my best friend, I was very lost and lonely and didn't think I'd ever find someone else so close again.. My friend Mary came along and really opened me up to new friendship.
Oh I agree with Jacqueline, I think Kasey should get the pillow. She's such an inspiration to so many and such a dear friend of mine. Michelle, anyone would be lucky to get one of your beautiful pillow!!! Have a great weekend:)
My lovely daughter-in-law who is hugely preggers with twins and is due within weeks. She is an ARMY wife who is presently living in Italy, raising my adorable granddaughter, and will be sending her husband, my son, off to another tour in Afganistan this November. Your lovely pillow would bowl her over as it would be such an unexpected surprise. Sea Witch
I just finished reading Kasey's post too and think she deserves it... that sweet girl needs a smile :)
What a great idea! to give is always a way to share love!... so i think you should go and get to know : http://themcclenahans.blogspot.com/
They do deserve your pillow! Because not only of what they went through but because what they're doing. I do not know them and never talked to them not even on the net but i found their blog the day their baby girl CORA went to be with jesus. I have a baby same age. I´m on the other side of the world, probably from a country you don't really know where in the map, but they do need a bit of sunshine in their lives! Take care! life is too precious,
I too am going to have to vote for Kasey (Lola B's). That girl is an inspiration to so many. She brings a smile to my face every day. I VOTE KASEY!!!!
The anonymous comment was from me. My username is working now.
What a lovelky idea Michelle! There are so many people who would deserve to win and your pillow are very beautiful!
Good luck to everybody!
lets send that kasey a pillow!!!
she is one of my all time fave bloggers ever & now one of my fave friends!
her blog inspires many but more important than that, she makes me smile when i'm having a rough day.
she is hugely generous on her blog & wouldn't it be fun to suprise her!
ps-i love your pillows.....maybe she'll give one away on her blog
what a lovely mistake - and another generous giveaway. Your work is Enchanting...
What a thoughtful gift. Such a wonderful idea as a giveaway. It is so touching, whoever gets this lovely pillow will be forever touched by such thoughtfulness,
p.s. I have one of your pillows and I adore it, I will be ordering another pillow. thank you
My dear, I do not envy the person who has to chose the winner! So many inspiring people. When I first saw this giveaway my thoughts went to someone who enchants and delights, just as the pillow says. That person is Kim of Daisy Cottage! She is able to charm and inspire thousands of people with the click of her camera and the stroke of her keyboard. Often times those who are so giving of themselves tend to get lost in the act of giving to others...but this pillow would be a little, beautiful reminder of how much those who read her blog appreciate her! If you haven't read her blog I encourage you do so because you will walk away feeling like the world is a little sunnier!! Thanks for giving us a chance to share the stories of some amazing people :o)
I would love it for my daughter who has just bought her first house and is trying so very hard to turn it into her 'home'.
I think my sweet sister is very deserving of one of these pillows. She is always an inspiration to me, and I couldn't make it through the day without her!!
Monica has been my dear friend for many years. She has walked beside me through many trials and is always graciously available. She has a VERY busy life, as a wife, mother, home school teacher, dancer, volunteer, and lately-- carpenter. Soon, I will be able to add marathon runner to her list. We have been training 6 days/week for several months now, in order to run for World Vision in the Chicago Marathon this fall. She is not only inspirational, but quite a drill sergeant! My friend is beautiful inside and out and once she has finished her major home project, her home will be too. The pillow would be just the right touch!
Annie amgrosvenor@yahoo.com
Am I too late to enter ???? Sometimes the time difference can be such a drag ;-)
Lovely blog and lovely giveaway!
I would like to nominate my dear friend Margreet. Why?
She's the only person in the world who will put me in my place if need be ... who isn't afraid to speak her mind even if it is not what I want to hear ... who is honoust ... and most of all my deariest friend in the world.
Where would I be without her!
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