The frenzy is on. I decided to make each guest an Easter cornet filled with candy, what was I thinking? I have an endless surplus of Easter baskets and I'm sure I could have been done by now, if I just didn't think like Martha Stewart. Oh well, I'm sure my guests will enjoy them and I will feel more than satisfied that I did spend the extra time.
I hope each one of you have a blessed and happy Easter.
Hi Michelle,
I'm sure all the extra effort you're putting into your Easter festivities will be just lovely. Happy Easter to you!
Remind to tell you about the year I decided to carve 6 Jack-o-Lanterns since I saw Martha do it. Made the decision on Halloween Eve. Great minds think alike and bonne chance!
Sending Blessed Easter wishes your way!
Hi Michelle,
Hope you had a wonderful holiday. Mike and I actually spent it with some family (my cousin) for the first time in a loooooooong time. It was o.k. It was a bit overwhelming, but we made it through.
Today the sun is shining and I'm going down to the "Glitz and Glam" station and get to work!
xo Cath
i enjoyed your interview with jeanne & seeing your creations!
i love the pillows :)
I have just faalen in love with you...and your pillows! Beautiful indeed. I too have left my love for damask and found new favor in clean soft lines...awwww
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